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Study in Japan: A Guide For International Students

Study in Japan

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Planning Studies in Japan?

There are numerous compelling reasons to study in Japan. Some international students choose Japan either because of the country’s high standards of education or the rich cultural heritage. Every year, the world record millions of students travelling to study abroad, with the current expectation to go high. Japan is one of the most popular and favourite destination for  international student.

The records speaks for itself. Japan has made significant name in world’s academics. According to the OECD, Japanese high school students rank first in the world in math and second in scientific literacy. Japan has the most Nobel laureates of any Asian country, and the second most of any country since 2000. In Japan, 49 percent of high school graduates attend university. Japan has over 700 universities, with ten ranked among the top 200 in the world.

Students who study in Japan develop strong communication skills, most especially those who master the Japanese language. The Japanese language is the entry point to Japan, whether you want to study, work, or simply make the most of your time there. As a result, most students begin their studies in Japanese at a language school. You can enrol in short-term language courses that last 2 to 12 weeks, or you can enrol in a long-term programme. Moreover, Japan is a safe destination with peaceful environment to study. Japan has been inhabited for centuries and has a rich and interesting history of conflict and curiosity. Discover tranquil temples and shrines, devil museums, and the history of how the use the sword or blade fully integrated Japan. Summer festivals and traditional ceremonies are held all year in friendly rural villages and versatile world cities.

Education System in Japan

Japan has one of the world’s most qualified and experienced populations. This is one of the primary reasons for the country’s postwar economic resurgence and fast development.

Private and public schools are available at all levels, from kindergarten to university. Public schools have low tuition and are popular options for mandatory schooling up to the lower secondary levels (junior high school). A private school, beginning with upper secondary education, can be an investment in the fierce competition for university admission. Your university degree has a direct impact on your employment opportunities.

Scholarships in Japan

In Japan, only a few scholarships cover all the costs of study; most aim to cover just a portion of the student’s living expenses and tuition fees. Therefore, calculate the total expenses of studying in Japan to create a financial plan that does not rely solely on scholarships but rather your own funds as well.

Types of Financial Assistance Available

  1. Scholarships
  2. Tuition reduction/exemption systems (30%, 50% or 100% exemption, etc.)

Time of Application

  1. Before coming to Japan: Financial aid you can apply for prior to coming to Japan (very few options)
  2. After coming to Japan: Financial aid you can apply for in Japan after coming to the country and enrolling in a school (many options)

Application Requirements

Application requirements include

  • Age
  • Country or region
  • School enrolled in in Japan
  • Major or specialty field, etc.

Checkout this opportunity to Study in France. Read this Universite Paris-Saclay Scholarships

Screening Examinations

Screening for most financial aid is conducted using only the documents submitted, but some organizations require an interview or a written examination testing your general education, knowledge in your field and/or language abilities.

How to Apply

The majority of financial aid requires you to apply through the school you are enrolled in. (Please confirm the relevant details at your school’s International Student Office.

Scholarships you can apply for before you arrive in Japan

1. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT)Scholarship

Students who study or do research in a designated region will receive an additional monthly stipend.

Eligible Students

  • Young Leaders’ Program (YLP) students – (242,000 yen/month)
  • Research students (Non-degree students) – (143,000 yen/month)
  • Research students (Master’s course) – (144,000 yen/month)
  • Research students (Doctoral course) – (145,000 Yen/month)
  • Teacher training students – (143,000 Yen/month)
  • Undergraduate students/college of technology students/specialized training college students/Japanese studies students (117,000 yen/month)

Find more about these opportunities at the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country (For some countries, a government agency in your home country serves as a point contract.)

2. Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students

Monthly Stipend – 48,000 Yen

Eligible Students

Privately-financed international students who have achieved an excellent score on EJU and who will enrol as regular students in universities (undergraduate program), junior colleges, colleges of technology (third year or upper), or specialised training colleges (pot-secondary course)

Find more about these opportunities at JASSO


3.Local governments and private organisation scholarships

Number of organisation offering – 17 organisations

Monthly Stipend – 60,000~200,000 yen

Find more about these opportunities at local governments, private organisations, etc. (Confirm with each organisation whether acceptance will be decided before coming to Japan.)

4.On-campus scholarships, tuition fee exemption or reduction system

Find more about these opportunities at school you will be enrolled in

Scholarships for Exchange Students Under Inter-University Exchange Agreements, etc

Students Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan)

Eligible students: International students under the inter-university exchange program agreement, etc. on a short-term basis from eight days to one year

Monthly stipend (yen) – 80,000

Inquiries: Current school in home country

Scholarships you can apply for after you arrive in Japan

1. Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-financed International Students

Eligible students/Number of organizations offering scholarships:

  1. Graduate school students (doctral course, master’s course)/research students (graduate school lever)/undergraduate students/junior college students/college of technology students (3rd year or upper)/specialized training college (postsecondary course) students/students of preparatory Japanese language program offered at private universities, junior colleges/students of advanced courses of university, junior college and college of technology/university preparatory course students – 48000 yen
  2. Japanese language institute students – 30,000 yen

Inquiries: Current school (in Japan)

2. Local government and private organization scholarships

Number of organizations offering scholarships: 125 organizations

Monthly Stipend – 15,000~300,000 yen

Inquiries – Each scholarship organization or current school (in Japan)

3. On-campus scholarships, tuition fee exemption or reduction system

Inquiries – Each scholarship organization or current school (in Japan)

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