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University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship 2024-25

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Applications are open for the University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship 2024-25. The University of Adelaide offers several Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships to international graduates. The international scholarship program is open to students with outstanding academic records from any country to start their education in Australia via a Master’s or Doctorate by research without financial burden. University of Adelaide RTP Scholarships are postgraduate research scholarships for international students. The Research Training Program Scholarships (RTPS) are open to all faculties. The University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship 2024 includes different types of scholarships like financial need, string academic, and students with disabilities scholarships. The Australian Government Research Training Program is a fully funded scholarship for international studentsThe University of Adelaide Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships (RTPS) 2024 will provide funds to students to pursue their studies.

The fully funded research scholarship in Australia is funded by the University of Adelaide. The Australian Government RTP Scholarship. Includes RTP Stipend, RTP Fees Offset during the academic program and RTP Allowances for the selected applicants. This master’s and PhD scholarship in Australia will help students with an excellent academic background to pursue their postgraduate from an internationally recognized institute. A master’s scholarship in Australia is a dream of every student, and this research scholarship will help your dreams come true. The University of Adelaide AGRTP Scholarship 2024 duration is almost 2 years for a Master’s degree and 3.5 years for a Ph.D. degree. Students will get international exposure and a chance to create networks in Australia with professionals through this University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship 2024.

An applicant will be selected for one of our competitive scholarships for international students. Almost hundreds of applications are received yearly for a less number of scholarships. The standard of applicants is always very high in this University of Adelaide AGRTP Scholarship 2024. The selection process for this international scholarship is also very competitive. Applicants who rank highly have typically published several papers in quality international journals and have extensive relevant work and research experience in their masters. The few applicants who win master’s scholarships directly after undergraduate studies have exceptional academic results, high-quality international publications, and outstanding references.

The postgraduate research scholarship in Australia is a great opportunity for you to start your research degree from an international institute. This fully funded research scholarship will provide you with an international platform to do your research. The research will be authentic and more recognized because of the platform. The students will enhance their research skills and abilities under the supervision of international professors. The scholarship amount is almost $34,210 per year. The University of Adelaide Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships (RTPS) for International Students 2024-25 is the perfect opportunity for you to get an internationally recognized research degree in Australia.

More Details about the University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship 2024:

AGRTP Scholarship Duration:

Up to 3.5 years for a PhD, up to 2 years for a Masters

Degree Type:

Postgraduate Research

  • Country: Australia
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: July 16, 2024

Eligibility Criteria University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship 2024:

  • Applicants must be eligible to enroll in a full-time Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program at the University of Adelaide.
  • International applicants must have ‘international student’ status at the time of their enrolment at the University.
  • Applicants must not hold Australian permanent resident status, Australian citizenship, or New Zealand citizenship.
  • Applicants must fulfill the academic entry requirements of the university for a Masters’s degree by research or a Doctorate by research.
  • Applicants must have completed their Bachelors Degree.
  • International applicants must provide evidence of having the minimum English language proficiency requirements of the University of Adelaide for applying for the scholarship.
  • Applicants must not be receiving any other scholarship, an overseas sponsored scholarship, or any other equivalent scholarship.
  • Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria of the Australian Government Research Training Program RTP listed in the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research).

Benefits of the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships (RTPS) 2024:

  • International Students will receive Stipends of $34,210 annually.
  • All international students receiving the University of Adelaide Research Scholarship. Will have their tuition fees waived for the standard duration of the scholarship.
  • International students will receive Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
  • International students relocating to Adelaide will get a Relocation Allowance to commence their program of study at the University of Adelaide.
  • International applicants will get a networking opportunity.
  • An opportunity to study free in Australia.

University of Adelaide RTP Scholarship Requirements:

  • Passport
  • English language proficiency test results.
  • Academic Transcript(s) in English
  • Graduation Certificate(s)in English
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research Abstract/Proposal
  • Other Relevant Documents

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