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WIPO Global Awards Competition 2023

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WIPO Global Awards Competition program 2023 is open for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). Candidates from all over the world that have intellectual property (IP) can apply. Candidates with exceptional creativity and innovation to achieve business goals are welcome to apply. WIPO Global Awards support exceptional enterprises and people with smart use of the intellectual property for commercialization. This international award is open to everyone who wants to bring positive change and contribute to society through innovation, and creativity should take advantage of this Global Award opportunity. To get detailed information and procedure, read all parts of this article.

This International Award in Geneva will be a great way to help people grow their businesses. This global award will help individuals to get recognized on an international platform. WIPO Global Awards 2023 is open to the entire range of business activity and for every industry. This international competition will identify creators, inventors and entrepreneurs with intellectual property rights to accomplish their business goals. Candidates whose skills, technological developments and creativity can contribute to the progress and improve other people’s lives are welcomed by the WIPO Global Awards Competition.

The goal of Global Awards is to convey the necessity to build a more comprehensive global innovation ecosystem, which will tackle the hugely creative and innovative energies of entrepreneurs in a better way. These types of awards increase the importance of IP (intellectual property) as an asset. This program will also help the individual in his career. This global program will enhance individuals’ abilities, skills, creativity and critical thinking internationally. Global competition in Geneva will help individuals get global fame. The selection process is done by an independent jury who possesses unique IP expertise and who has creativity, productive investment and business skills.

SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) are the major contributors and backbone of developing or less developed economies. So, these types of programs will help these enterprises grow globally. These awards are an excellent way to be recognized.

WIPO is the world’s intellectual property organization comprising 193 member states. It is a global forum for policies, information, services and cooperation related to intellectual property. It provides a balanced platform related to IP. It also offers different techniques and development programs to teach countries how to use intellectual property for their development. The world is smaller than your thinking, so you can turn your ideas and think into reality through this program. There will also be an amazing Award Ceremony in Geneva in July 2023, where they will officially announce the winners.

Details about the WIPO Global Awards Competition

  •  Country: Switzerland
  •   Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  •   Deadline: March 31, 2023


Eligibility Criteria of the WIPO Global Awards 2023

  • Individuals from WIPO’s 193 countries can apply.
  • The awards are open for SMEs from above stated 193 countries.
  • SMEs are those enterprises that surround up to 300 employees and have annual sales of up to 15 US$ million.
  • Candidate should understand intellectual properties.
  • They should know how to use IP rights.
  • Candidates must have an attitude of positively contributing to the development of society.


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Benefits of the WIPO Global Awards

  • Selected candidates will get a travel facility to Geneva for the Awards Ceremony and other events.
  • WIPO Trophy for the winners.
  • Candidates will get international recognition and promotion.
  • A customized IP mentorship program to achieve new business goals.
  • The candidate will get access to different partnership and funding opportunities.
  • WIPO Awards webpage, WIPO media, and other related media will promote candidates’ ideas.
  • Get a chance to enhance his abilities and skills at an international platform.


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